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Today Sushila Butt delivered a petition to David Clendon, Green MP for Kaitaia, with 6125 signatures on it. The petition was for the funding of Sativex for MS and also for life threatening seizures. Sushila Butt conducted this petition upon experiencing a terrific turn around in her daughters seizures, where her life was at serious risk, but with a low dose of Sativex ( 5 sprays a day) her seizure were reduced from hours in duration to single digit minutes. Sushila then went on to successfully obtain DHB funding for her daughter's Sativex, a first in New Zealand, and concurrently conducted this petition so that this potentially life saving treatments may be available to many others.
Sushila would like to add a very special thankyou to Georgia Tait, Pam Fisher and Fiona Anne Van Iperen for helping with the petition.