[caption id="attachment_2960" align="alignright" width="173"] Jamie recovering from one of his near death experiences.[/caption]
Medical Cannabis Awareness New Zealand
Fundraiser for Sativex, the only Legal Medical Cannabis, the story of Jamie.
At 5 weeks of age Jamie O'mara suffered a massive intracranial hemorrhage. This left him severely brain damaged and in need of constant care. This was attributable to Jamie not receiving a
Vitamin K injection at birth.
As a result of his brain damage Jamie developed severe epilepsy, which was poorly controlled by numerous anti-epileptic drugs. Over the span of 30 years, every effort has been made by his family to eliminate his constant & unrelenting seizures. In addition to the antiepileptic drugs, they had several attempts at the 'Ketogenic diet' (a diet that can help some people with seizures). They also agreed to a 'corpus callosotomy', which partly splits the brain in two to prevent sei
zures travelling from 1 hemisphere to the other. None of these efforts reduced Jamie’s seizures, which continued to dominate his life, and render him more and more debilitated.
[caption id="attachment_2959" align="alignright" width="199"] Example scan demonstrating the extreme and rare procedure of a hemispherectomy.[/caption]
At 24 years of age, in 2008, with no other avenue in sight, Jamie finally underwent hemispherectomy (removal of half his brain) This finally rid him of some seizures & as a result, a better quality of life but a lot of seizures still remained day & night.
Jamie is now 32 years old. He recently began to suffer massive aspirations during tonic clonic seizures prompting medical staff to tell the family Jamie wouldn't make it through one night. Jamie defied all odds and survived this massive aspiration on his own, even after doctors refused him life support. Jamie is a true battler.
The only remaining option is to try Medical Cannabis. After a lengthy wait, Jamie had his first spray of Sativex this week. Time is needed now to show how effective it will be. Please seriously consider this family’s plea for help. For a family who has been so desperate to alleviate their son's seizures that they even agreed to partial removal of his brain, their request for financial support with Sativex can only be seen as reasonable.
[caption id="attachment_2958" align="alignnone" width="423"] Jamie is normally a happy and outgoing guy despite the battles he has faced with Epilepsy, seen here with Family.[/caption]
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