Australian Developments in Medicinal Cannabis may have application to New Zealand.
Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne has noted with interest news from Australia today that Health Minister Susan Ley will introduce legislation that will allow for research and development of medicinal cannabis products at a federal level.
"While I have yet to see the detail of the proposal, from what I have read it looks like a positive development for furthering the science in this field. I will certainly be seeking further information on the proposed legislation and looking at how New Zealanders suffering from certain medical conditions may be able to benefit from it.
“I also strongly agree with Minister Ley that any medicinal cannabis products that become available through this process must be on a ‘safe, legal and sustainable’ basis,” said Mr Dunne.
In addition to allowing access to the medicinal cannabis product Sativex, New Zealand already has mechanisms for approving both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical grade medicinal cannabis products in individual cases.
Most recently Mr Dunne granted compassionate approval for a non-pharmaceutical grade product (Elixinol). To date only one application has been received seeking such approval.
Source Beehive website.